Ωραίο το απέραντο γαλάζιο, μαγευτικό, γαλήνιο, αλλά και το γκρίζο του χειμώνα όμορφο είναι. Άσε που σε βάζει στον πειρασμό να προσπαθήσεις να φτιάξεις ο ίδιος όμορφες στιγμές -ουσιαστικά όμορφες στιγμές- για να διώξεις τις εξωτερικές "μουντές" εικόνες. Ενώ το καλοκαίρι, αρκούμαστε σε αυτές τις εικόνες που θα δείτε παρακάτω (που κι αυτές τις αγαπώ), χωρίς να προσπαθούμε ιδιαίτερα να έχουμε όμορφες μέρες μέσα μας.
Καλό Φθινόπωρο!!!
I really did not realize when I began to prefer winter than summer. I always loved it, summer was my favorite season of the year. Well, not anymore. And it is with relief that I say goodbye to summer this year, though -don't get me wrong-I do not mean that I did not have good times or I didn't enjoy the beautiful seas or the large bright days. Simply, I felt that summer is not conducive to change, that it is the most stagnant period of the year, when everybody cares about how and where to go for holidays. And without changes, or even their programming, I cannot breathe well anymore. I know the deep blue is majestic, serene, but the gray of the winter is beautiful, too. That grey is tempting us to try and create ourselves beautiful moments, essentially beautiful moments. While in the summer, we're happy just to look at those pictures below (I love them) without even trying to have particularly beautiful days inside.
Happy Fall!

Wake me up when September Ends
You started to prefer winter because of this year"s summer that was just one looooooooong heatwave!Enough is enough!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήI don"t like winter,live a few years with an English winter and you will understand why!This Winter I shall make sure that I have a good collection of books and dvds,crawl under my duvet and re-emerge in the Spring.
Autumn is ok,as long as i don"t have to wear socks.......i hate socks...and tights...with a passion!
I wish to leave in London one winter. Do you think I won't make it?? I hate socks, too! xxxxx